3 Simple Tips to Improve your Run Training

3 Simple Tips to Improve your Run Training

Training for an endurance event, even mixed event race (like Crossfit, Spartan or Hyrox) can seem really complex and overwhelming. However, just keep it simple and remember these three things:


While speed work or total volume can be beneficial to your day-of performance, Consistently training is more important – especially if you’re new to these events.  Try to keep your training up throughout the week to help your body adapt to the stress, rather than cramming it in on the weekend.


2. Focus on RPE (Rate of Perceived Exertion – or Effort)

Although paces can be helpful, RPE is the best way to evaluate how you’re feeling and if you’re hitting the target effort level that you should be. On a scale from 1–10, refer to the following:

Recovery: 4–5 RPE (40–50% max effort) / Endurance: 5–6 RPE / Lactate threshold: 7–8 RPE )
VO2 max: 9–10 RPE (90–100% max effort)

This simplified scale can help you adapt your training and gauge your runs more effectively, than pacing – since effort to  maintain paces can differ day to day, based on external factors like life stress, nutrition, sleep and if you’re female: your cycle.


3. Make sure you let your body RECOVER

Down weeks, throughout your training cycle are absolutely necessary. Try to incorporate a recovery week every 3rd – 4th week of training, whether that be a day off from running, shorter runs or just lower your running speed and intensity. 
Recovery cycles not only help to avoid injuries, but due to the mechanisms of muscle growth, they are where your body gets stronger.

These steps will definitely help you with your training, as will a ton of equipment we have available – take a look online: treadmillfactory.ca OR come in to any of our stores to check them out.

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