The Total Gym Press Trainer is a commercial shoulder press machine that introduces an entirely new way to do a shoulder press. The ELEVATE Press™ places users in an inverted position, unloading the lower back and reducing spinal compression. Total Gym ELEVATE Press Trainer seven adjustable levels allow users to select a percentage of their own bodyweight as resistance, while the unique closed-chain design reduces shoulder impingement that users typically feel using traditional shoulder press gym equipment and stabilizes the shoulder girdle for safe and effective upper body strengthening. Users are also provided with a mechanism for performing a decline push-up.
Benefits for the individual exerciser:
- Designed for intuitive use and success in performing press up
- Strengthens all the muscles of the upper body
- Seven incline levels allow users to progress from pulling as little as 15 percent of their own bodyweight up to 50 percent.
- Allows for plyometric movements.
- Ability to progress a decline push-up
- Inverted position stabilizes shoulder girdle and reduces spinal compression and shoulder impingement.
- Enhanced functional performance of daily activities and increased athleticism
- Exercises can be progressed or regressed to accommodate all fitness levels.
Training applications and biomechanics:
- Closed-chain partial loading of the joints
- Offers multiple hand grip positions
- Restricted range of motion
- Train using only bodyweight
- Joint friendly, non-compressive
- Reliable tool for assessing upper body strength.
Total Gym ELEVATE Press Trainer Key Features:
- Adjustable incline design allows for partial bodyweight shoulder press and decline push-ups.
- Seven incline levels allow users to progress from pressing as little as 15% of their own bodyweight up to 50%.
- Steel and aluminum construction provides long-lasting durability.
- Instructional placard provides easy directions for use and includes link to exercise library with additional and advanced exercise options.
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