Why so Blue, Monday?

Why so Blue, Monday?

Many people experience SADs (seasonal-affective depression symptoms), when the daylight is shorter, temps (for many of us) are noticeably colder, and everything seems to drag along in darkness. Yes dramatic, but it's SCIENCE! We need and crave sunlight and our circadian rhythms are a big part of our physical, cellular and mental health. 

Blue Monday is an annual day that is often regarded as the most depressing day of the year. It falls on the third Monday in January (next week!) and is associated with feelings of sadness, low motivation, and a lack of energy. It is typically the shortest day of the yer (for visible day light), often one of the coldest days of the year and therefore is typically reported as the most Monday-ish Monday, of the year.

It also tends to be a pivotal day for people who fall off their resolution goals, or adhere to their newly adopted habits. Mental health professionals advise that ensuring we are well hydrated and get some purposeful movement / exercise and try to spend meaningful interaction with people we enjoy, can fend off the BLUE BLAHS, and the case of the Mondays.

If you need some gear to help with exercise and movement, check out our stores or the website!

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