4 KG

6 KG

8 KG

10 KG

12 KG

16 KG

20 KG

22 KG

24 KG

28 KG

32 KG

36 KG

40 KG

44 KG

48 KG
SKU: SKU: 4600
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Matte black finish with color rings to identify weight
single piece casting made with iron ore
excellent grip and holds chalk very well
large smooth flat surface to prevent wobbling
4 - 8 KG. - 1.2"
12 kg. - 1.4"
16 – 40kg. - 1.5"
4 KG
6 KG
8 KG
10 KG
12 KG
16 KG
20 KG
22 KG
24 KG
28 KG
32 KG
36 KG
40 KG
44 KG
48 KG